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Technology Upgrades Law Firms Attorney Support Services

Advances in technology have surpassed pretty much everyone’s expectations in recent years. Devices that respond to our touch, or reply to our inquiries with soothing, maternal tones have jumped off the sci-fi cartoon pages and into our standard expectation of convenience.

Technology hasn’t just changed how we map our traffic routes and order take-out; it has revolutionized how we access information, of all kinds, in all formats – and that has greatly impacted how legal professionals practice law.

For law firms to adapt during the information age revolution, they need to incorporate technology-driven tools. Implementing legal technology upgrades in a law firm’s office has become a necessity.

It’s essential for all firms, especially small law offices, to take advantage of the legal technology upgrades available today. Carefully chosen technology upgrades will significantly improve a firm’s efficiency and ability to serve client needs. Adopting new options will also keep law firms in line with ABA’s professional conduct rule 1.1(8) Maintaining Competence.

Get Your Head In The Clouds

“Cloud” or file-sharing services, like Dropbox, Google Drive, or MS OneDrive, make it possible for firms to send and store large files online; often for free or at a nominal cost. Additionally, the firm can control who has access to them.

Use file sharing services for easy access to legal briefs and documents; from almost any location law associates need them. Firms can instantly improve efficiency by minimizing the use of fax, copy, and courier needs with a free app from Google.

File sharing services as part of a small firm’s legal technology upgrade solutions are smart because they’re convenient, user-friendly, and inexpensive. Just remember to keep confidentiality in mind when working on unsecured connections!

Encrypt Your Devices

Mobile devices have optimized operating efficiency for law firms, their client’s and associates, but not without introducing serious security risks. Laptops, smartphones, and frequent use of public wifi are have created a need for increased cybersecurity measures.

Keeping data securely under lock-and-key in the information age doesn’t have to mean investing in costly programs and services. Many electronic brand names include built-in encryption options in their computers, tablets, and smartphones. Most built-in encryption software is highly user-friendly; it can be easily activated and maintained by the user.

Outsource Assistance

A law office’s priority needs to remain focused on serving the needs of their clients. If limited resources at a law office are preventing the delivery of optimal client care, resources need to be redirected. Billing services and online document repositories are a convenient way to incorporate legal technology upgrades into your routine without breaking the bank or sacrificing client care.

Finding ways to shift resources can include outsourcing tasks to qualified legal logistics providers. Document retrievals, subpoenas, and authorizations take time to complete; so outsourcing routine legal services can keep your focus clearly on your client’s needs.

Final Thoughts

Adjusting to new technology isn’t a cakewalk for all law firms, especially small ones without in-house IT personnel or generous resources. The financial costs and person-hours required when implementing legal technology upgrades can be overwhelming, making the task of legal technology upgrades daunting.

However, firms that don’t stay up to date with the latest technology can find it challenging to compete with law firms that do utilize and continuously upgrade their legal technologies. Dipping your toes into the deep well of legal technology is a good idea for law firms that want to stay relevant to their clients. With the many user-friendly and cost-efficient options of legal technologies available, it’s easier than ever to update and upgrade your law firm’s office.

If you have questions on any of our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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